Queen Seon Deok is a series that focuses on the 'villains' as much as it focuses on its 'heroes', because a strong and remarkable hero is called such because he/she faced an equally strong and remarkable nemesis. Because there is a strong opponent like Mishil, that Deokman was able to gain experience and wisdom. There are also other characters that play significant roles to both Deokman and Mishil in their quest to gain the throne. For this post, I list some of the main characters and their brief descriptions. Please note that my descriptions of the characters are merely based on the TV series, and not based on actual historical data . Warning: MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS . 1) PRINCESS DEOKMAN Princess Deokman (Queen Seon Deok, posthumous) was played beautifully by Lee Yo Won ( Fashion 70's ). Her younger version was played with great vigor by Nam Ji Hyun ( East of Eden, Will It Snow for Christmas? ). She was born a twin, which according to a prophecy will mark the ...
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